Phone-friendly movie theaters for millennials are coming
Aron believes that AMC needs “to reshape our product in some concrete ways so that millennials go to movie theaters with the same degree of intensity as baby boomers went to movie theaters throughout their lives.”
The New Consumer: Are eating trends age-based or generationally influenced?
NPD detected a divergence in the way that Millennials are consuming fresh foods vs. how Baby Boomers are approaching them, and determined that these behaviors are generationally based, Tielbur said.
How millennials should deal with baby boomers at work
Millennials may find that baby-boomer self-esteem has declined precipitously in response to rapid societal change.
Restaurant operators keep hearing they should be trying to win over Millennials, but baby boomers dominate at least one style of eating: snacking. The NPD Group says boomers eat ready-to-eat snack food 20 percent more often than Millennials do.
According to Jack Li, managing director, Datassential, 47% of Generation Z and 42% of Millennials come from multicultural backgrounds, compared to 28% of Boomers.
As Boomers shed their stuff, their offspring reject it
As Boomers shed their stuff, their offspring reject it
“As baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, start cleaning out attics and basements, many are discovering that millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, are not so interested in the lifestyle trappings or nostalgic memorabilia they were so lovingly raised with.“
As a result, Via’s remained mostly off the radar, except with one group: senior citizens: 27 percent of Via riders are over 55, with 10 percent of those checking in at older than 65 (only 30 percent are between 25 and 34).
Gen X Hates Regional Road Food Delicacies
This past spring, Roadfood.com was acquired by lifestyle media company Fexy. At the moment, the site’s community is dominated by baby boomer contributors, and Fexy wants to reach out to younger users, hoping to attract millennials for the first time.
The Atlantic on Twitter: “Why it’s harder for millennials to stay thin than it was for boomers http://t.co/UEIqLnvZYG http://t.co/PMI694a11H”