Screen Time: Twin Peaks, The Return

For reasons not even clear to me, I watched Twin Peaks for
the first time in 2015. I was close to a legal adult, living in the Pacific
Northwest when it debuted, so I have no excuse. I might have been scarred when
I tried to watch Blue Velvet on the only TV in my family’s house and my dad
woke up and wandered into the living room right at the Kyle MacLachlan hiding in
the closet scene and I had to quickly turn it off.

No matter, Twin Peaks is back and Mädchen Amick is still
frequenting the Bang Bang Bar at 46. Looking good, doing shots, and drinking beer, Rainier in a can followed by a “pounder” (heck, yeah!) when her friends are opting for wine. I would advise against drinking wine in a roadhouse, even in a small-town in the NW where sometimes you’ll find surprisingly good beer Also, the Bang Bang Club
looks awesome and I truly wish such a venue existed.

As an aside, the women of Au Revoir Simone who got their
start in Brooklyn in the early-aughts (ugh, I said aught), and closed out
episode three, must be flirting with middle age by now, right?