I unintentionally never listened to Liz Phair, and I seriously don’t think I would know a song of hers if one came on wherever I might be. I want to say I was too old but I don’t think that’s really the case. Her music does seem to resonate with those on the millennial/gen x cusp, though (which I am not).
I was curious about her recent profile by Emily Gould. I was actually more curious how sexist and ageist the reviews were for Phair’s self-titled 2003 album viewed through a 2018 lens. At the time I was staff at the Parson’s library and one of the work study students couldn’t believe Liz Phair was 36 and seemed more disdainful of the sexy album cover once she knew that fact. I even thought 36 was kind of old, even though I was just 5 years younger, which is embarrassing now.