Barred: The Sackett

When: Wednesday, 6:28pm
I’m 99% certain that I have never heard Gene Loves Jezebel played in a bar in all my life. The bartender, who was mid-30s at most, was playing a distinctly Gen X soundtrack: Depeche Mode, “Never Let Me Down Again,” Talking Heads, “Road to Nowhere,” Beastie Boys, “Sabotage,” then skipped Green Day and eventually played “Jane Says,” which people at the bar complained about, so the bartender said she was going to play it again. Maybe two of the roughly 15 patrons, males, were in high school when that song came out.
Age appropriate? Eh, sort of. Eventually one of the regulars’ wives showed up and I’m fairly certain she qualified as middle-aged–or maybe it was the Ann Taylor style.